Here at the Woodlands Suite, we pride ourselves on working with world renowned experts for our specialist treatments.
MRI Scan Single Area excluding Gadolinium Contrast: £295
MRI Scan Two Areas excluding Gadolinium Contrast: £410
MRI Scan Three Areas excluding Gadolinium Contrast: £530
Gadolinium contrast – plus: £50
CT Scanning Single Area: £250
CT Scanning Two Areas: £300
Contrast: £50
Ultrasound: £240
Ultrasound with injection: £400
X ray Limbs – elbow to finger & knee to toe (single area): £80
X ray Whole spine/ long length imaging: £150
X ray Torso – inc single area spine, pelvis: £110
Treatments offered
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans
- X-rays
- Ultrasounds
- CAT/CT scan (Computerised Tomography)
You can make use of our private diagnostic services following referral from your GP.
Surgical Procedures
A knee replacement is a major operation and usually takes approximately two hours. You are usually in hospital for one to two nights. You should be prepared to work hard at the exercises given to you by the therapy staff. Before your surgery you will meet your anaesthetist, they will ask you questions about your health and previous anaesthetics. You will need to sign a consent form where the consultant will go through the operation with you and the risks of surgery.
You will be measured for compression stocking before theatre and will need to wear these all the time unless you are instructed otherwise. These compression stocking help reduce the risk of blood clots.
Total knee replacement: from £11,561
Knee Replacements
The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital offers various types of knee replacement, of which your surgeon will choose the most suitable for you.
A total knee replacement resurfaces the whole of your knee. This is the most common operation as more than one area of the knee is usually damaged. The kneecap may or may not be resurfaced depending on the operative findings.
A partial knee replacement will only work for patients with arthritis in one part of the knee. They are not an option if you have inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, if the damaged area is more extensive, or if your knee has become very stiff. A partial knee replacement resurfaces either:
- The inner or outer half of the knee
- The joint between the thigh bone and knee cap.
Hip Replacements
The worn part of your hip joint is replaced with an artificial joint made of surgical quality stainless steel, a metal alloy or a ceramic. A plastic (polyethylene) liner is usually used.
Some can be used with orthopaedic cement; others have a special coating that binds with the bone instead. Your surgeon will help you choose the most appropriate type of hip replacement for you.
A hip replacement is a major operation and usually takes approximately one hour. The upper part of the thigh bone is removed. The natural hollow in the pelvis, called the acetabulum, is hollowed out further and a plastic cup is fitted into the hollow.
A short, angled stem, with a smooth ball on its upper end to fit into the socket is secured into the canal of the thigh bone. The plastic cup and the metal stem may be either press-fit or may be fixed with acrylic cement. The layers of soft tissue, muscle and skin are stitched and clipped back together.
You are us usually in hospital for one to two nights. Before your surgery you will meet your anaesthetist, they will ask you questions about your health and previous anaesthetics. You will need to sign a consent form where the consultant will go through the operation with you and the risks of surgery. You will be measured for compression stockings before theatre and will need to wear these all the time unless you are instructed otherwise. These compression stockings help reduce the risk of blood clots.
Hip replacement: from £10,688
The goals of treating any deformity of the spine are to stop progression, normalize spinal function, and minimize any associated painful problems. For adolescent patients with severe curves, and for adults with curves that continue to worsen, or are painful, surgical treatment can reduce and halt the progression of the spine’s deformity.
Some of the spinal operations/ procedures include: microdiscectomy, decompression, vertebroplasty, scoliosis correction and spinal injections.
Price on request.
Spinal surgery
We offer many different services for a variety of spinal issues: Spinal services area include:
- Degenerative spinal services – these conditions involve the gradual loss of normal structure and function of the spine over time. They are usually caused by aging, but may also be the result of tumours, infections or arthritis. Pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots caused by degeneration can be caused by slipped or herniated discs.
- Spinal deformity Services – Scoliosis and kyphosis are curvatures of the spine. Although most common in young teenagers, these deformities affect children as well as adults. In most patients these deformities of the spine are non-progressive; however, in some patients, scoliosis and kyphosis continue to slowly progress throughout life, resulting in cosmetic issues, functional issues and occasionally painful and sometimes dangerous curvatures that must be addressed through spine stabilization surgery.
The procedure for DSF is a major operation which, depending on the quality of the existing soft tissue envelope, requires one or two operations. At the first operation, the surgeons prepare the bone ends and the soft tissues around the amputation stump. A metal peg is inserted into the prepared bone. The peg is designed to fit tightly into the canal of the bone and is coated in a material which encourages the bone to grow onto the implant resulting in a secure fixation of the peg to the bone.
The soft tissues are prepared to remove any excess tissue. If the skin envelope is good and would allow single stage surgery, the skin is laid down over the muscles and carefully sutured to create a good seal around the bone end and metal peg. If the quality of the skin envelope does not allow this, a specialized dressing is placed over the raw surface of the tissue during the first operation. This is allowed to mature prior to having the second operation.
Patients are usually in hospital after the first operation for a period of approximately 1 week. During this time, patients begin to mobilise with the physiotherapy team and begin to gently put weight through the implant. After 5 days, the dressings are taken down and patients usually leave hospital after about 7 days.
If performed as a two-stage procedure, the second operation usually takes place about 3-4 weeks after the first operation. It involves placing a skin graft onto the raw soft tissue area around the protruding peg. The skin graft is taken from the patients same limb or the other limb. This second procedure is undertaken as a day case procedure and patients usually go home the same day.
As important as the operation itself, is the rehabilitation. Patients undergoing DSF will be put in contact with providers of specialist rehabilitation services and following discharge will need to have in place a programme for rehabilitation.
Price on request.
Osseointegration/Direct Skeletal Fixation
New for 2023, The Woodlands Suite now offers Osseointegration
Direct skeletal fixation (DSF), also known as osseointegration (OI), is an intervention for patients who have undergone an amputation which allows the patient to replace the normal socket type prosthesis with a device fitted directly onto a stem attached into the bone of the amputated limb. The procedure is aimed principally at patients who have undergone an amputation through the thigh bone, who struggle with the use of conventional socket type prosthesis.
MAKO robotic assisted surgery
The Woodlands Suite at The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital was the first hospital in the UK to offer Mako robotic-arm assisted surgery during hip and knee replacements to private patients.
Mako aids the precision of joint replacements and has been successfully used in over 100,000 procedures across the world. It is clinically proven to be more accurate, reduce post-operative pain and speed up recovery.
Mako patient guides can be downloaded below:
Total hip replacement - £12,000
Total knee replacement - £13,000
ROSA Robotic Assisted Surgery
The Woodlands Suite now offers the ROSA robotic assisted surgery for knee replacements. The system facilitates total knee replacements similarly to Mako. It supports surgeons with features to assist with the bone resections, as well as assessing the state of the soft tissues to facilitate implant positioning.
Total Hip replacement: from £11,500
Total knee replacement: from £12,500